ASTM E289-04(2016)
Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Rigid Solids with Interferometry

Standard No.
ASTM E289-04(2016)
Release Date
Published By
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Replace By
ASTM E289-17
ASTM E289-17

5.1 Coefficients of linear expansion are required for design purposes and are used particularly to determine thermal stresses that can occur when a solid artifact composed of different materials may fail when it is subjected to a temperature excursion(s).

5.2 Many new composites are being produced that have very low thermal expansion coefficients for use in applications where very precise and critical alignment of components is necessary. Push rod dilatometry such as Test Methods D696, E228, and TMA methods such as Test Methods E831 are not sufficiently precise for reliable measurements either on such material and systems, or on very short specimens of materials having higher coefficients.

5.3 The precision of the absolute method allows for its use to:

5.3.1 Measure very small changes in length;

5.3.2 Develop reference materials and transfer standards for calibration of other less precise techniques;

5.3.3 Measure and compare precisely the differences in coefficient of “matched” materials.

5.4 The precise measurement of thermal expansion involves two parameters; change of length and change of temperature. Since precise measurements of the first parameter can be made by this test method, it is essential that great attention is also paid to the second, in order to ensure that calculated expansion coefficients are based on the required temperature difference. Thus in order to ensure the necessary uniformity in temperature of the specimen, it is essential that the uniform temperature zone of the surrounding furnace or environmental chamber shall be made significantly longer than the combined length of specimen and mirrors.

5.5 This test method contains essential details of the design principles, specimen configurations, and procedures to provide precise values of thermal expansion. It is not practical in a method of this type to try to establish specific details of design, construction, and procedures to cover all contingencies that might present difficulties to a person not having the technical knowledge relating to the thermal measurements and general testing practice. Standardization of the method is not intended to restrict in any way further development of improved methodology.

5.6 The test method can be used for research, development, specification acceptance and quality control and assurance.

1.1 This test method covers the determination of linear thermal expansion of rigid solids using either a Michelson or Fizeau interferometer.

1.2 For this purpose, a rigid solid is defined as a material which, at test temperature and under the stresses imposed by instrumentation, has a negligible creep, insofar as significantly affecting the precision of thermal length change measurements.