STAS 11771/8-1986
NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALSPolonium 210 content determinationof rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of mining extractive industry

Standard No.
STAS 11771/8-1986
Release Date
Published By
STAS 11771/8-1986
Prezentul standard stabile?te metoda de determinare a con?inutului de poloniu 210 din roci, minereuri, pulberi si materiale secundare din industria minier? extractiv? cu un con?inut de peste 2,2 ? 10-2Bq228Ra/g (0,6 pCi 226Ra/g). Metoda este aplicabil? la

STAS 11771/8-1986 history

  • 1986 STAS 11771/8-1986 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALSPolonium 210 content determinationof rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of mining extractive industry

STAS 11771/8-1986 -All Parts

STAS 11771/1-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM COAL ORES General indications on earring out the analyses STAS 11771/10-1990 Natural radionuclides with pollution potential obtained from ores and coals. Natural uranium content determination under working places environment STAS 11771/2-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALSSampling and sample preparation STAS 11771/3-1983 ORES AND COALS NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL Determination of thorium content from mine and ore dressing plant waters STAS 11771/4-1983 ORES AND COALS NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL Determination of uranium content from mine and ore dressing plant waters STAS 11771/5-1984 NATURAL RADIOCTIVE NBCLIDES WITH POLLTION POTBNTIAL PROCEDED FRON ORES AND COALS 226radian contert deternimation of rocks cres powder and seedary materials of extractive minjug industry STAS 11771/6-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS 222 radon specifical emanation determination of rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of extractive mining industry STAS 11771/7-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS Natural uranium content determination ot rocks, powders, ores and secondary materials of extractive mining industry STAS 11771/8-1986 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALSPolonium 210 content determinationof rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of mining extractive industry STAS 11771/9-1986 NATERAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS Natural thorium content determination of rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of mining extractive industry

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