STAS 11771/6-1984
NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS 222 radon specifical emanation determination of rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of extractive mining industry

Standard No.
STAS 11771/6-1984
Release Date
Published By
STAS 11771/6-1984
Prezentul standard stabile?te metodele de determinare a eman?rii specifice de radon 222 din roci, minereuri, pulberi ?i materiale secundare din industria extractiv? minier?, ?n scopul calcul?rii (conform anexei) a debitului de aer necesar pentru dilu?ia r

STAS 11771/6-1984 history

  • 1984 STAS 11771/6-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS 222 radon specifical emanation determination of rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of extractive mining industry

STAS 11771/6-1984 -All Parts

STAS 11771/1-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM COAL ORES General indications on earring out the analyses STAS 11771/10-1990 Natural radionuclides with pollution potential obtained from ores and coals. Natural uranium content determination under working places environment STAS 11771/2-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALSSampling and sample preparation STAS 11771/3-1983 ORES AND COALS NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL Determination of thorium content from mine and ore dressing plant waters STAS 11771/4-1983 ORES AND COALS NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL Determination of uranium content from mine and ore dressing plant waters STAS 11771/5-1984 NATURAL RADIOCTIVE NBCLIDES WITH POLLTION POTBNTIAL PROCEDED FRON ORES AND COALS 226radian contert deternimation of rocks cres powder and seedary materials of extractive minjug industry STAS 11771/6-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS 222 radon specifical emanation determination of rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of extractive mining industry STAS 11771/7-1984 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS Natural uranium content determination ot rocks, powders, ores and secondary materials of extractive mining industry STAS 11771/8-1986 NATURAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALSPolonium 210 content determinationof rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of mining extractive industry STAS 11771/9-1986 NATERAL RADIOACTIVE NUCLIDES WITH POLLUTION POTENTIAL PROCEEDED FROM ORES AND COALS Natural thorium content determination of rocks, ores, powders and secondary materials of mining extractive industry

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