SNI 01-2730-1992
Cod liver oil of cuckoo

Standard No.
SNI 01-2730-1992
Release Date
Published By
Indonesia Standards
Replace By
SNI 2730.1-2013
SNI 2730.2-2013
SNI 2730.3-2013
SNI 2730.1-2013
SNI 2730.2-2013
SNI 2730.3-2013

SNI 01-2730-1992 history

SNI 01-2730-1992 Cod liver oil of cuckoo was changed to SNI 2730.1-2013 Minyak hati ikan cucut botol mentah (crude shark liver oil) - Bagian 1: Spesifikasi.

SNI 01-2730-1992 Cod liver oil of cuckoo was changed to SNI 2730.2-2013 Minyak hati ikan cucut botol mentah (crude shark liver oil) - Bagian 2: Persyaratan bahan baku.

SNI 01-2730-1992 Cod liver oil of cuckoo was changed to SNI 2730.3-2013 Minyak hati ikan cucut botol mentah (crude shark liver oil) - Bagian 3: Penanganan dan pengolahan.

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