ASTM E2707-15
Standard Test Method for Determining Fire Penetration of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Direct Flame Impingement Exposure

Standard No.
ASTM E2707-15
Release Date
Published By
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Replace By
ASTM E2707-22
ASTM E2707-22

5.1 The test method described herein measures the ability of the exterior wall covering material or system to resist fire penetration from the exterior to the unexposed side of the wall assembly under the specified conditions of exposure.

5.2 Representative joints and other characteristics of an assembly shall be included in a test specimen when these details are representative of the construction of the end-use product(s).

5.3 This test method is applicable to end-use product(s) not having an ideally planar external surface.

5.4 The overall performance of the test specimen is visually documented by full-color photographic records. Video taping of the complete fire test is an acceptable alternative to the photographic record. The use of infrared photography of the unexposed side of the test wall can be used to reveal development of increasing temperatures or persisting hot spots.

5.5 In this procedure, the specimens are subjected to a specific set of laboratory fire test exposure conditions. If different test conditions are substituted or the anticipated end-use conditions are changed, it is not known whether it is possible by use of this test to predict changes in the performance characteristics measured. Therefore, the results are strictly valid only for the fire test exposure conditions described in this procedure.

1.1 This fire-test-response standard prescribes a method to assess the fire performance of a vertically oriented specimen exposed to direct flame impingement in a simulated external fire exposure potentially encountered in a ‘Wildland Urban Interface’ scenario. This test method provides data suitable for comparing the performance of materials, which are used as the exposed surfaces of exterior walls in construction applications.

Note 1: This test method closely follows the test procedure of California Office of State Marshal (SFM) Method 12-7A-1.2

1.2 This test method measures the ability of the wall system to resist fire penetration from the exterior into the wall cavity or unexposed side of the test assembly under the conditions of exposure.

1.3 This test method provides data suitable for comparing the performance of vertically oriented materials, products or assemblies in exterior construction applications. The test specimen shall be tested in thicknesses and configurations representative of actual end product or system uses.

1.4 Limitations of the test method are listed in Section 5.5.

1.5 The system of units to be used in referee decisions is the SI system of units; see IEEE/ASTM SI-10 for further details. The units given in parentheses are for information only.