EJ/T 20092-2014
Determination of 137Cs in intermediate level radioactive liquid waste and its sludge.γ counting method (English Version)

Standard No.
EJ/T 20092-2014
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry
EJ/T 20092-2014
This standard specifies the method for determining the Cs radioactivity concentration in medium-level radioactive waste liquid (hereinafter referred to as medium-level radioactive waste liquid) and its slurry by Y counting method, including the reagents and instruments used, measurement, result calculation and precision requirements. This standard is applicable to the determination of Cs radioactive activity concentration in intermediate-level radioactive waste liquid and its slurry produced by spent fuel reprocessing and stored for a long time (more than 12 years). The detection limit of the method is 1.9×10Bq/L.

EJ/T 20092-2014 history

  • 2014 EJ/T 20092-2014 Determination of <上标137>Cs in intermediate level radioactive liquid waste and its sludge.γ counting method
Determination of <上标137>Cs in intermediate level radioactive liquid waste and its sludge.γ counting method

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