NS 5814-2008
Requirements for risk assessment

Standard No.
NS 5814-2008
Release Date
Published By
Replace By
NS 5814:2021
NS 5814:2021
This standard sets requirements for ris assessment. Ris assessment means planning, carrying out ris analysis and ris evaluation, cf. Figure 1. This includes, among other things, identifying hazards and unwanted events, analyzing and evaluating ris s as well as identifying measures that can remove or reduce ris . The standard also requires documentation of the ris assessment. The standard includes the elements that can be included in a ris assessment. It is not a given that all elements described must be included in all ris assessments. This depends, among other things, on the assessment's purpose and scope. Ris assessment is one of the elements of ris management. Other elements in ris management can affect the planning and implementation of the ris assessment. To the extent that this is the case, these elements are also mentioned in this standard. The systematics of the work with a ris assessment is shown schematically in figure 1. The figure shows which points in the standard describe the various elements. The two f The first elements in Figure 1:  ——define framework conditions - establis ris acceptance criteria, both elements that form part of the total ris management in a business, and which are not only related to ris assessment. However, these elements affect the ris assessment and are therefore referred to in the section Orientation in this standard. Ris management (last element in figure 1) is not included as part of the ris assessment. When planning the ris assessment, one should, however, consider whether any of the elements that make up the subsequent ris management provide guidance, for example in choosing the degree of detail of the assessment.

NS 5814-2008 history

Requirements for risk assessment

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