NB/T 20144-2012
Initial criticality tests for pressurized water reactor of nuclear power plants (English Version)

Standard No.
NB/T 20144-2012
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Energy
NB/T 20144-2012
EJ/T 1113-2000
This standard specifies the purpose, test methods, test prerequis tes, test steps and precautions for the first criticality test of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant reactor. This standard applies to the first criticality test of the reactor during the commis ioning phase of a newly built pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant.

NB/T 20144-2012 history

  • 2012 NB/T 20144-2012 Initial criticality tests for pressurized water reactor of nuclear power plants
  • 2001 EJ/T 1113-2000 Initial critical test in PWR nuclear power plant

NB/T 20144-2012 Initial criticality tests for pressurized water reactor of nuclear power plants has been changed from EJ/T 1113-2000 Initial critical test in PWR nuclear power plant.

Initial criticality tests for pressurized water reactor of nuclear power plants

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