ANSI/NACE RP0204-2004
Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) Direct Assessment Methodology

Standard No.
ANSI/NACE RP0204-2004
Release Date
Published By
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ANSI/NACE RP0204-2004
Addresses the situation in which a portion of a pipeline has been identified as an area of interest with respect to SCC based on its history, operations, and risk assessment process and it has been decided that direct assessment is an appropriate approach for integrity assessment. The standard provides guidance for managing SCC by selecting potential pipeline segments, selecting dig sites within those segments, inspecting the pipe and collecting and analyzing data during the dig, establishing a mitigation program, defining the reevaluation interval, and evaluating the effectiveness of the SCCDA process.

ANSI/NACE RP0204-2004 history

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