DIN ISO 4347:2011
Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004)

Standard No.
DIN ISO 4347:2011
Release Date
Published By
German Institute for Standardization
Replace By
DIN ISO 4347:2018
DIN ISO 4347 E:2017
DIN ISO 4347:2018
DIN ISO 4347:2018-01
DIN 8152-1:1980 DIN 8152-2:1980 DIN 8152-3:1989 DIN 8152-4:1989 DIN ISO 4347:2009
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of chains used for general lifting purposes, together with the rim profiles of sheaves and the chain attachmens of clevises. It gives dimensions, limits for interchangeability, length measurement, preloading and minimum tensile strengths.It is not applicable to 8×8 lacing.

DIN ISO 4347:2011 Referenced Document

  • ASME B29.8 Leaf Chains, Clevises, and Sheaves*2024-04-19 Update
  • ISO 286-2:1988 ISO system of limits and fits; part 2: tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts
  • ISO 606 Short-pitch transmission precision roller and bush chains, attachments and associated chain sprockets*2015-08-01 Update

DIN ISO 4347:2011 history

  • 2018 DIN ISO 4347:2018 Leaf chains, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces, tensile strengths and dynamic strengths (ISO 4347:2015)
  • 2011 DIN ISO 4347:2011 Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004)
  • 0000 DIN ISO 4347:2009
  • 1989 DIN 8152-4:1989 Leaf chains; clevises and sheaves for heavy series LH chains; connecting dimensions
  • 1980 DIN 8152-2:1980 Leaf chains; clevises and sheaves for light series LL, connecting dimensions

DIN ISO 4347:2011 Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004) has been changed from DIN 8152-1:1980 Leaf chains, light series LL.

DIN ISO 4347:2011 Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004) has been changed from DIN 8152-2:1980 Leaf chains; clevises and sheaves for light series LL, connecting dimensions.

DIN ISO 4347:2011 Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004) has been changed from DIN 8152-3:1989 Leaf chains; heavy series LH.

DIN ISO 4347:2011 Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004) has been changed from DIN 8152-4:1989 Leaf chains; clevises and sheaves for heavy series LH chains; connecting dimensions.

Leaf chaines, clevises and sheaves - Dimensions, measuring forces and tensile strengths (ISO 4347:2004)

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