ANSI B11.0-2010
Safety of Machinery - General Requirements and Risk Assessment

Standard No.
ANSI B11.0-2010
Release Date
Published By
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Replace By
ANSI B11.0-2015
ANSI B11.0-2023
This standard applies to new, modified or rebuilt power driven machines, not portable by hand, used to shape and/or form metal or other materials by cutting, impact, pressure, electrical or other processing techniques, or a combination of these processes. This can be a single machine or a machinery system(s). Other industry sectors may benefit from applying this standard. Where a machine-specific standard exists and the requirements of that standard conflict with the requirements in this standard, the requirements of the machine-specific standard shall generally apply. Deviations from the requirements of this standard or from any machine-specific standard shall be based on a documented risk assessment..

ANSI B11.0-2010 history

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