NBN A 35-101-1972
Summary of dimensional limitations for unthreaded steel pipe for water, gas and sewer pipes and connections

Standard No.
NBN A 35-101-1972
Release Date
Published By
NBN A 35-101-1972
The purpose of the standard is to specify the finis of the ends of non-threadable tubes conforming to the Belgian Standard NBN 744. It is supplemented by specific standards specific to the different assembly methods (see the lis in § 6). These particular standards give the dimensions, tolerances and control requirements applicable to the ends constituting the assembly. They do not concern the assembly methods which are to be determined by the buyer, the only person qualified to judge the conditions of establis ment and use of the pipes.

NBN A 35-101-1972 history

  • 1971 NBN A 35-101-1972 Summary of dimensional limitations for unthreaded steel pipe for water, gas and sewer pipes and connections

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