IRAM 1094-1948
Rail surface paint

Standard No.
IRAM 1094-1948
Release Date
Published By
IRAM 1094-1948
Bl This standard is only descriptive and refers to the most recommended procedures for painting railway surfaces, painting being understood as the series of operations carried out on surfaces prepared according to the IRAM 1042 standard, until the work is completely completed. B-2 This standard covers the following cases of painting railway surfaces: a) fine works, that is, those in which an aesthetic effect is sought, in addition to adequate protection (vehicles, furniture, precision machines, etc. .). b) rustic works, that is, those in which the predominant factor is adequate protection, with the aesthetic factor being unimportant (metal structures, metal carpentry, pipes, inferior quality furniture and machinery, etc.). B-3 The choice of the procedures that best correspond to each purpose and type of surface will be made as previously established or agreed upon.

IRAM 1094-1948 history

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