ISO 8318:2000
Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads - Sinusoidal vibration tests using a variable frequency

Standard No.
ISO 8318:2000
Release Date
Published By
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 8318:2000
This International Standard specifies two methods for carrying out a sinusoidal vibration test on a complete, filled transport package or unit load using a variable frequency. These tests may be used to assess the performance of a package or an unit load in terms of its strength or the protection that it offers to its contents when it is subjected to vertical vibration. Each may be performed either as a single test to investigate the effects of vertical vibration or as part of a sequence of tests designed to measure the ability of a package or unit load to withstand a distribution system that includes a vibration hazard.

ISO 8318:2000 history

  • 2000 ISO 8318:2000 Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads - Sinusoidal vibration tests using a variable frequency
  • 1986 ISO 8318:1986 Packaging; Complete, filled transport packages; Vibration tests using a sinusoidal variable frequency
Packaging - Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads - Sinusoidal vibration tests using a variable frequency

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