UL 512-1993

Standard No.
UL 512-1993
Release Date
Published By
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Replace By
UL 512 BULLETIN-2006
UL 512 BULLETIN-2010
These requirements cover a (a) fuseholders for Edison-base and Type S plug fuses, (b) fuseholders for Class CC, G, H, J, K, R, and T cartridge fuses, and (c) devices to adapt Type S plug fuses for use in Edison-base to be employed in lighting and power circuits in accordance with the National Electrical Code. These requirements do not cover fused attachment plugs, car-lighting cutouts, protective devices designed for signaling systems or instruments, or fuseholders for link fuses. A CTL (circuit-limiting) fuseholder is one having such physical size or configuration that, in conjunction with the physical means provided in a Class CTL panelboard or other device, installation of more overcurrent-protective devices than the number for which the assembly is designed and rated will be provided. Except as noted, a device that has provision for connection to the conductors of more than four circuits, other than the circuit or a continuation thereof, is considered to be and judged as a panelboard rather than a fuseholder. A device that has (a) provision for connection to more than four but not more than 12 branch circuits, (b) receptacles for plug fuses only, and (c) been designed specifically for use in an enclosed branch-circuit cutout is considered to be and is judged as a fuseholder. A fuseholder that has been designed specifically for use in and enclosed branch-circuit cutout or in a panelboard assembly is judged with respect to the intended application as well as being judged under the requirements in this standard.

UL 512-1993 history

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