HJ 1236-2021
Technical specifications for remote sensing investigation of risk sources in centralized surface water drinking water sources (English Version)

Standard No.
HJ 1236-2021
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Environmental Protection
HJ 1236-2021
This standard specifies the workflow, data preparation, remote sensing interpretation, on-site verification, quality control and results submission and other relevant requirements for remote sensing surveys of risk sources in centralized surface water drinking water sources using remote sensing technologies such as satellites and drones. This standard is applicable to remote sensing surveys of risk sources in centralized surface water drinking water source areas and the establishment of electronic archives of risk sources in the centralized surface water drinking water source protection areas.

HJ 1236-2021 history

  • 2021 HJ 1236-2021 Technical specifications for remote sensing investigation of risk sources in centralized surface water drinking water sources
Technical specifications for remote sensing investigation of risk sources in centralized surface water drinking water sources

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