T/COOA 4-2022
Custom Sunglasses and Sunglasses (English Version)

Standard No.
T/COOA 4-2022
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China
T/COOA 4-2022
This document sets out the definitions, requirements, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of custom sunglasses and sun lenses. This document applies to general-purpose custom-made sunglasses and sun lenses, including base-tinted and coating-tinted sun lenses. This document does not apply to lenses that protect against radiation from artificial light sources (such as those used in solariums) and goggles for industrial use, nor does it apply to special lenses that allow direct observation of the sun (such as observing solar eclipses, etc.).

T/COOA 4-2022 history

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