GB/T 42393-2023
Method for drawing regional wind damage distribution map of power grid under high altitude micro-topography and micro-meteorological conditions (English Version)

Standard No.
GB/T 42393-2023
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 42393-2023
The introduction of "GB/T 42393-2023 Method for Drawing Distribution Map of Wind Damage in Power Grid Areas under High Altitude Micro-terrain and Micro-meteorological Conditions" is as follows: GB/T 42393-2023 provides a standardized method for drawing the distribution map of wind damage in power grid areas under high altitude micro-terrain and micro-meteorological conditions. This method aims to assess and visualize the potential risks and damages caused by wind in these specific areas. The distribution map is based on comprehensive analyses of various factors, including micro-terrain features, meteorological data, and wind speed measurements. These factors are taken into account to accurately depict the wind hazard distribution across the power grid areas. The method outlines the step-by-step process to create the distribution map, starting from data collection and analysis, to the actual map generation. It also provides guidelines on how to interpret the map and identify areas at higher risk of wind damage. By following this standardized method, power grid operators and relevant stakeholders can make informed decisions on infrastructure planning, maintenance, and emergency response. The distribution map serves as a valuable tool in enhancing the resilience and reliability of power grids operating in high altitude micro-terrain and micro-meteorological conditions.

GB/T 42393-2023 history

  • 2023 GB/T 42393-2023 Method for drawing regional wind damage distribution map of power grid under high altitude micro-topography and micro-meteorological conditions

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