T/CQAE 11016-2021
Calculation Method of Software Quality Index Weight (English Version)

Standard No.
T/CQAE 11016-2021
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China
T/CQAE 11016-2021
GB/T25000.10-2016 divides software quality into 8 characteristics, and each characteristic is divided into several sub-characteristics. GB/T25000.23-2019 provides several quality measures for each sub-characteristic and establishes a multi-level quality model , use the eigenvector method to calculate the weight of software quality indicators. The calculation method can be performed as follows: a) Establish a multi-level software quality indicator model; b) Determine the importance of quality indicators at each level and establish the importance of quality indicators. Quantitative value judgment table; c) Calculate the weight of quality indicators at each level using the eigenvector method; d) Calculate the weight of indicators for each quality measure

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