DB3301/T 1117-2022
Application limit standard of chemical fertilizer quota system for major crops (English Version)

Standard No.
DB3301/T 1117-2022
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Zhejiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China
DB3301/T 1117-2022
This document stipulates the fertilization principles for the quota application of chemical fertilizers for major crops, soil fertility measurement and evaluation, chemical fertilizer quota application limits and fertilizer operations. This document applies to the limit standards for the application of chemical fertilizers in the production of grain and oil crops such as rice, wheat, rapeseed, and cash crops such as tomatoes, strawberries, and tea within the city limits.

DB3301/T 1117-2022 history

  • 2022 DB3301/T 1117-2022 Application limit standard of chemical fertilizer quota system for major crops
Application limit standard of chemical fertilizer quota system for major crops

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