GB/T 42640-2023
Technical specification for multi-beam underwater topographic survey (English Version)

Standard No.
GB/T 42640-2023
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 42640-2023
GB/T 42640-2023 Multibeam Bathymetric Surveying Technology Specification is a technical standard developed by the Chinese National Standardization Administration. This specification provides guidelines for the application of multibeam bathymetric surveying technology in underwater terrain measurements. Multibeam bathymetric surveying technology is an advanced method used to map and measure the topography of the seafloor. By emitting multiple sonar beams simultaneously, this technology enables accurate and efficient data collection of underwater terrain. The collected data includes depth measurements, seafloor features, and objects present in the surveyed area. GB/T 42640-2023 outlines the technical requirements and procedures for conducting multibeam bathymetric surveys. It covers topics such as instrument calibration, data acquisition, and data processing. The specification also provides guidance on data quality control and evaluation, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the survey results. This standard serves as a valuable resource for professionals in the field of underwater terrain measurements, including surveyors, hydrographers, and marine engineers. It promotes the use of standardized techniques and methodologies, facilitating the exchange and comparison of survey data across different projects and organizations. Overall, GB/T 42640-2023 plays a crucial role in promoting the development and application of multibeam bathymetric surveying technology in China. It ensures that surveys are conducted with consistency, accuracy, and reliability, ultimately contributing to the advancement of marine science and engineering.

GB/T 42640-2023 history

  • 2023 GB/T 42640-2023 Technical specification for multi-beam underwater topographic survey

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