GB/T 42632-2023
Technical requirements for underwater cabled online monitoring system for marine ecological environment (English Version)

Standard No.
GB/T 42632-2023
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 42632-2023
Introduction to "GB/T 42632-2023 Technical Requirements for Underwater Cable Online Monitoring System for Marine Ecological Environment" The "GB/T 42632-2023 Technical Requirements for Underwater Cable Online Monitoring System for Marine Ecological Environment" is a national standard in China that outlines the necessary technical specifications for monitoring underwater cables in marine environments. This standard aims to ensure the effective and efficient monitoring of underwater cables, which play a crucial role in various industries such as telecommunications, offshore energy, and scientific research. The system requirements outlined in this standard cover a wide range of aspects, including data collection, transmission, processing, and analysis. The underwater cable online monitoring system described in this standard utilizes advanced technologies and methodologies to monitor the health and integrity of underwater cables. It provides real-time monitoring and early warning capabilities, allowing for prompt response and maintenance in case of any anomalies or damages. The technical requirements outlined in this standard include the specifications for sensors, data acquisition systems, communication protocols, and data processing algorithms. The system should be able to accurately measure various parameters such as temperature, pressure, and electrical resistance, among others. It should also have the capability to transmit data to a central monitoring station for analysis and decision-making. Overall, the "GB/T 42632-2023 Technical Requirements for Underwater Cable Online Monitoring System for Marine Ecological Environment" standard serves as a comprehensive guide for the design, implementation, and operation of underwater cable monitoring systems. It aims to enhance the reliability and safety of underwater cables, ultimately contributing to the sustainable development of marine ecosystems and various industries.

GB/T 42632-2023 history

  • 2023 GB/T 42632-2023 Technical requirements for underwater cabled online monitoring system for marine ecological environment

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